Friday, February 13, 2015

Dr. Stephen L. Carter ― On Kayla Mueller and Faith

Nearly lost in our collective horror over this week’s confirmation that American hostage Kayla Mueller died in Islamic State captivity is a quiet story of courage and beauty: the letter she wrote to her family last spring, delivered by other prisoners after their release. Press accounts have called the letter heart-wrenching, but a better word is inspiring. Such is the power of her words that they are worth considering in detail.

The letter begins with Kayla’s assurance that she has been treated well, and is “in a safe location, completely unharmed + healthy” -- points, obviously, that we outsiders hope are true but have no way to confirm. The 26-year-old aid worker goes on to apologize touchingly to her family for the suffering that she has put them through because of her captivity. Then comes her central proposition:

“I remember mom always telling me that all in all in the end the only one you really have is God. I have come to a place in experience where, in every sense of the word, I have surrendered myself to our creator b/c literally there was no else.”

Read complete article here