Friday, February 13, 2015

Dr. Oliver McGee ― Jon Stewart Over 'Serious' News America Trusts Most

Jon Stewart announced Tuesday night he is stepping down later this year as the host of the The Daily Show after 16 years. Jon Stewart, the comedian who has rocketed Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show” into a sharp-edged nightly commentary on breaking news events, has become a pop-celebrity star of the American news cycle in the age of a smart, savvy, risk averse, and self-interested news maker, short on facts to entertain, and news consumer, long on desire to be entertained.

Satirical news shows have become hugely popular in the United States, ever since presidents made it "cool" to reach the masses through the alternative comedy medium of the lighter sides of news sources.

"In interviews, some of the politicians and journalists, who found themselves in Mr. Stewart’s commentary, talked with fear and admiration about his ability to shape, create and tear down popular perception, especially among younger voters ... Some politicians say if Jon Stewart skewered them, they mattered," salutes The New York Times.

“When he gives me a hard time, I understand that I’ve arrived,” said Senator Lindsey Graham, the South Carolina Republican, "whose recent announcement that he was considering a run for president sent Mr. Stewart into a fit of sarcastic ecstasy," The New York Times reports. "President Obama has done the show twice as president."

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