Thursday, August 22, 2019

Brookings Scholar Refutes Trump’s Portrayal of "Black Unemployment"

“For many Black Americans, the unemployment rate is significantly higher now than during the recession,” he said. “The national unemployment rate is the lowest in 50 years but it primarily reflects white employment dynamics. As for Black communities, they’re already in a recession.”

(The Washington Informer)  -- He notes that the national employment rate does not account for differences among racial groups, geographic areas or other specific characteristics which collectively paint a much different picture of the economy than the president reports. Further, he adds that despite the U.S. economy growing closer to full
employment – that is, when job opportunities exceed the number of available workers – Blacks now face unemployment levels akin to those reported during the Great Recession (Dec. 2007 – June 2009, according to economists).

Brookings Scholar Refutes Trump’s Portrayal of Black Unemployment