Wednesday, April 24, 2019

What's a "lily-white conservative"?

Lily white conservatism is a white-supremacist belief system which attempts to redefine classical conservatism for exclusively white objectives or narratives, and it can employ people of color to do this, but the goal is the same: control the narrative, control what people associate about the word conservative. By not making a distinction between authentic black conservatism and fame-orinted black-conservatism, even Black Progressives can contribute to the Lily White" narrative.

Lily White Conservatism doesn't want other races/ethnicities to share conservatism.

So, it uses clever tactics to accomplish this, and one of these tactics it to ACTUALLY GET BLACK PEOPLE TO HATE CONSERVATISM.

The media also plays a HUGE role: It, too, doesn't know there are basically two different types of Black Conservatism -- solution-orinted and fame-oriented.

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