Tuesday, April 23, 2019

We Wish We Never Had to Call Ourselves Black Conservatives

“[Their] social dominance was complete to the point where [they] didn’t have to think about their skin color, but the movement toward equality and inclusion requires them to aggressively assert and reinforce their dominance, with violence if necessary."

We Wish We Never Had to Call Ourselves Black Conservatives

But circumstances being what they are, and with the majority ethnic-tribe within conservatism refusing to complement or even acknowledge our reality, we are now forced into a situation wherein we must educate people, again and again, about the dissimilar history that shaped and continues to shape our dissimilar identity.

Again, again and again we must educate.

Lest they,
Les WE, forget the largest forced migration in human history which relocated some 50 ethnic and linguistic groups.

Again, again and again.