Monday, April 22, 2019

How one BBC Veteran Believes BBC Coverage of Farage's New Party ‘FACILITATES FASCISM’

Patrick Howse spent decades reporting for the BBC, risking life and limb. He believed in Auntie’s credo. But the former producer says the corporation’s unquestioning Brexit coverage has now crossed the line.

(The Byline Times) -- "I  worked for the BBC for 25 years. I started as a trainee in 1989 and progressed through various newsrooms to become a news gathering producer. I covered conflicts in the Middle East – particularly in Baghdad – and the peace process in Northern Ireland.

In the course of my career, I was shot at, punched, kicked, tear-gassed, spat at, insulted, pelted with stones, bottles and petrol bombs, and our office in Baghdad was struck by a rocket. I worked long hours at some personal risk and personal cost. But I believed passionately in what the BBC was doing, and I was proud to work for the corporation."

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