Well, now Trump has not only won the nomination, but in numerous polls he’s tied with Hillary Clinton, and in some polls leads slightly against her.
It looks like it’s time for the GOPe, the party’s out of touch white elite groupies, to eat lots of crow!
Not only is Trump in a virtual dead heat with Hillary in key swing states of Florida, Pennsylvania and Ohio, according to a recent Quinnipiac University poll, but he’s also now tied with her in New Hampshire.
In an NBC/Survey Monkey poll released recently, Clinton has a razor thin edge over Trump, 48% to 45%. Candidate Trump is looking very winnable! Nothing, and I repeat nothing, the GOPe has portended about Trump or the 2016 election has been accurate.
The reality is that Trump is looking more and more like the only formidable candidate who can beat Hillary Clinton."
Read the full article HERE.