Monday, June 15, 2015

Russell Kirk on Malcolm X

The conservative intellectual reflects on meeting Malcolm X.


SOURCE: Russell Kirk, “To the Point,” Helena Montana Independent Record, March 3, 1965.

"On Irving Kupcinet’s Chicago television program, Malcolm X and this commentator participated in a discussion of public affairs, a few months ago. Now Malcolm X–or Malcolm Little, as he was born–has been murdered before hundreds of people. Revolutions do, indeed, devour their own children. Somewhat to my surprise, I found Malcolm X to be a man of considerable intellectual powers, certainly no conventional demagogue, dignified, and rather winning in manner.

He was a strange being, but no fool or madman. He had then just returned from a pilgrimage to Mecca, capping his formal conversion to the Mohammedan faith. He rose out of violence and crime in the urban jungles, and he died by violence and crime. Yet the convicted burglar who made himself a minor power in the land did not appear to be a natural fanatic or incendiary."

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