Saturday, June 6, 2015

Jennifer Oliver OConnell — From Bruce Jenner to Caitlyn: Will it really make a difference to anyone?

(Communities Digital News LLC)
"Behind all the heartfelt congratulations from celebrities, politicians and everyday Americans, there is a publicity campaign to milk this transformation for all it is worth. Apparently a documentary series on Bruce’s journey to become Caitlyn is in production, along with fresh story arcs for Caitlyn on “Keeping up with the Kardashians,” which stars the aforementioned spawn: Kim, Kourtney and Khloe, along with Kylie and Kendall Jenner, the children produced by Kris when Caitlyn was still husband Bruce.
Online magazine India Today reported that Caitlyn is now getting offers to represent cosmetic lines and may have settled on representing MAC Cosmetics. This is part of a wholesale media push to show that Caitlyn is living the high life as a woman and to ensure she remains in the spotlight.
But is this a healthy way to integrate into a new gender?
Aside from the naked opportunism of entertainment companies and some deeply stupid commentary (I’m talking to you, Mike Huckabee), there is also concern that this may not be quite the triumph Caitlyn and the liberal media are making it out to be."