Sunday, April 19, 2015

Joseph C. Phillips — Jesse Lee Peterson, Sigh...

The end of reason! Sigh…

What is it with Reverends?  Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson was recently on the Sean Hannity program bumbling his way through a discussion on the police shooting in South Carolina. Also on the panel was professional raving lunatic Leo Terrell.  By the way, I say that fondly. Leo is an artist at the performance of outrage.  I was on a panel program with Leo a few years ago.  Leo and I knew of each other, but had never met.  When the camera was off, Leo and I talked with each other in reasonable tones; he smiled, even cracked jokes.  When the camera was back on, he furrowed his brow, raised his voice and began pounding his fist.  I thought, “what happened to the guy I was just talking to? The pattern was repeated at every commercial break.  Genius! In this instance, however, I don’t believe he was playing to the camera.
Peterson begins talking about angry, young black men and Leo loses it. Eventually, Terrell walks off the show.