The Black Conservative
“I have the nerve to walk my own way, however hard, in my search for reality, rather than climb upon the rattling wagon of wishful illusions.” ― Zora Neale Hurston
Thursday, July 22, 2021
Racial Slavery in the Americas: Resistance, Freedom, and Legacies
Friday, June 4, 2021
'Exposing The Lily-White Movement: Why Black Voters Left The Republican Party"
Monday, May 31, 2021
2020 update: Roland Fryer is wrong: There is racial bias in shootings by police
2020 update: The specific flaws of Roland Fryer's paper have now been characterized in two studies (by other scholars, not myself). Knox, Lowe, and Mummolo (2019) reanalyze Fryer's data to find it understates racial biases. Ross, Winterhalder, and McElreath (2018) do something similar through a statistical simulation.
Roland Fryer, an economics professor at Harvard University, recently published a working paper at NBER on the topic of racial bias in police use of force and police shootings. The paper gained substantial media attention – a write-up of it became the top viewed article on the New York Times website. The most notable part of the study was its finding that there was no evidence of racial bias in police shootings, which Fryer called “the most surprising result of [his] career”. In his analysis of shootings in Houston, Texas, black and Hispanic people were no more likely (and perhaps even less likely) to be shot relative to whites.
Fryer’s analysis is highly flawed, however. It suffers from major theoretical and methodological errors, and he has communicated the results to news media in a way that is misleading. While there have long been problems with the quality of police shootings data, there is still plenty of evidence to support a pattern of systematic, racially discriminatory use of force against black people in the United States.
Roland G. Fryer Jr., a professor of economics at Harvard.Credit...Erik Jacobs for The New York Times
Even if the difference in the arrest vs. shooting groups could be accounted for, Fryer tries to control for these differences using variables in police reports, such as if the suspect was described as 'violently resisting arrest'. There is reason to believe that these police reports themselves are racially biased. An investigation of people charged with assaulting a police officer in Washington, DC found that this charge was applied disproportionately towards black residents even for situations in which no assault actually occurred.
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Friday, May 28, 2021
New paper examines diffs in support for gun policy by race/ethnicity
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Understanding Structural Racism | Luiza Lodder
Monday, March 15, 2021
Sunday, March 14, 2021
how the chinese manipulate african leaders |George Ayittey
The War on Drugs: How Race-Neutral Policies Have Racist Consequences
How Race-Neutral Policies Have Racist Consequences
“You want to know what this was really all about?” he asked with the bluntness of a man who, after public disgrace and a stretch in federal prison, had little left to protect. “The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did." -- John Erlichman
Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs under President Richard Nixon. Ehrlichman was an important influence on Nixon's domestic policy
— Dan Baum, Legalize It All: How to win the war on drugs, Harper's Magazine (April 2016)
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Tim Lynch: There Is No War on Cops
"We have entered an era of intense antipolice activism, led by the federal government in conjunction with agitators like Al Sharpton,” Heather Mac Donald claims in her book The War on Cops. Just how many times have we entered this era? Twelve years before Black Lives Matter came on the scene, Mac Donald delivered a lecture at the American Enterprise Institute titled “The War on Police.” Her 2003 book Are Cops Racist? was subtitled How the War Against the Police Harms Black Americans. Here we go again.
Mac Donald, who is based at the Manhattan Institute, is one of the right’s most prominent voices on crime and policing, writing often for the Wall Street Journal opinion page and testifying frequently on crime and homeland security. Though many on the right—George Will, Ross Douthat, even Newt Gingrich—are coming around to the idea that criminal justice reform is necessary, Mac Donald is resolutely not among them. “America does not have an incarceration problem; it has a crime problem,” she writes.
Continue: Reading: There Is No War on Cops
(In addition: Heather McDonald vs. Tim Lynch:Debate: There is a War On Cops that Makes Everyone Less Safe
Book Review: The Case Against Heather Mac Donald’s "The Diversity Delusion"
Friday, February 14, 2020
Maud Cuney Hare: The Black Woman Who Documented The Early Rise of Racism in The Republican Party
"However, in 1888, the struggle was begun by the organization of "white Republican clubs," for the purpose of controlling the county conventions that they might elect their delegates."
"It was their object to create a factional fight among the colored men, so that THEY would be free from blame. Their main fight was centered on the chairmanship of the convention, placing Louis Johnson against Ed. Davis, who was proposed by the Cuneyites for the position."
-- Maud Cuney Hare
Maud Cuney Hare was an American pianist, musicologist, writer, and African-American activist in Boston, Massachusetts in the United States. She was born in Galveston, the daughter of famed civil rights leader Norris Wright Cuney, who led the Texas Republican Party during and after the Reconstruction Era, and his wife Adelina (née Dowdie), a schoolteacher.
In 1913 Cuney-Hare published a biography of her father.
She has an entire chapter (chpts.93) devoted to "The Lily White Republican" insurgents.
Free E-Book: Norris Wright Cuney: a tribune of the black people - Maud Cuney-Hare - Google Books
A 1914 film showing black people dancing in a dance hall - Great dance m...
DISCLAIMER: This video is part of the Prelinger Archives with the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark 1.0 license. This video is in the Public Domain.
Black Coffee - Wish You Were Here feat. Msaki (Official Video)
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Black Gods and Goddesses of Africa

When asked about his inspiration for the set, Lewis had this to say:
Throughout my formal education from elementary up through college I never heard tale of African deities. A little over a month ago I began to research online to find information in regards to the gods & goddesses of Africa. To my surprise there were many, however the ones that stood out the most were the deities of Nigeria and Benin, West Africa which they referred to as Orishas.
I wanted to portray the regal beauty of each Orisha while also representing their majestic sensuality. Each iconic depiction was rendered to lend strength to our resilience as a great race of people and to show our youth that they are beautiful, bold and brilliant just they way God created them to be. […] each Orisha's name is written in the Yoruba dialect and captures imagery of powerful men, women & children of various complexions who are all of African descent.
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Luisah Teish - Earth and Water Reverence; Story of Oshun Leaving the Earth
NOTE: Oshun, also spelled Osun, is an orisha (deity) of the Yoruba people of southwestern Nigeria. Oshun is commonly called the river orisha, or goddess, in the Yoruba religion and is typically associated with water, purity, fertility, love, and sensuality.
5 Lies About African American Genealogy and Family History Research
Dr. Chidike Okeem -- White Nationalism: The Reason the Right Will Lose on Amnesty
The problem isn’t that white nationalists don’t like illegal immigration; the problem is that they don’t like where these immigrants are emigrating from—and what the arrival of these immigrants is doing to the ethnic composition of the United States.
(Voice of Chid) -- The fundamental reason why serious conservatives oppose amnesty for illegal immigrants to the United States is because (a) we believe in the rule of law, and (b) we understand the threat it poses to our national security. However, it is becoming increasingly rare to hear this commonsensical viewpoint represented by popular conservatives in the media. Rather, “Amnesty will mean the death of the Republican Party!” seems to be the principal argument articulated by anti-amnesty commentators. This talking point, as I will explain, has more to do with white nationalism than it does conservatism.
While the rule of law and national security are central to serious conservative objections to amnesty, white nationalists, by contrast, primarily oppose illegal immigration because most of these immigrants are black and brown people from “Third World” countries. Since most minorities in the United States currently vote Democratic, many anti-amnesty political observers believe that more black and brown immigrants will increase the Democratic vote. Without question, if America ever has a problem of white, Western European people immigrating illegally to the United States in the future, some of the most vociferous critics of illegal immigration would be hypocritically mum on the subject. The problem isn’t that white nationalists don’t like illegal immigration; the problem is that they don’t like where these immigrants are emigrating from—and what the arrival of these immigrants is doing to the ethnic composition of the United States.
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Friday, December 27, 2019
Confederate flag removals upset Stephen Miller after church murders
The Southern Poverty Law Center: The emails, which Miller sent to the conservative website Breitbart News in 2015 and 2016, showcase the extremist, anti-immigrant ideology that undergirds the policies he has helped create as an architect of Donald Trump’s presidency.
These policies include reportedly setting arrest quotas for undocumented immigrants, an executive order effectively banning immigration from five Muslim-majority countries and a policy of family separation at refugee resettlement facilities that the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Inspector General said is causing “intense trauma” in children.
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In this article
- Miller shares link from white nationalist site
- Miller recommends ‘Camp of the Saints’ to Breitbart
- McHugh says Miller told her to aggregate from American Renaissance
- Confederate flag removals upset Miller after church murders
- Miller focuses on racial identity of killer with ‘alt-right’ beliefs
- Miller says he reached out to anti-Muslim extremist Pamela Geller
- Miller forwards Infowars link to aid McHugh’s reporting
- Miller backs immigration policies Hitler once praised
- Miller posits conspiracy theories about immigration
- Exploring Miller’s reported ties to white nationalist figures
Twenty-five Jewish lawmakers ask Trump to fire Stephen Miller over 'white nationalist' comments
"His documented support for white nationalist and virulently anti-immigrant tropes is wholly unacceptable and disqualifying for a government employee."
The rebuke of Miller comes after the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) published summaries of hundreds of emails Miller sent to Katie McHugh, a former editor at Breitbart News, that included links and references to far-right websites. Many of the emails centered around anti-immigrant messages."
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Nazis in the National Guard
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Brandon Trent East (left) and Dalton Woodward (right) have both been sent separation notices from their positions in the Army National Guard after liberal activists uncovered ties to the white supremacist group called the Ravensblood Kindred
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Prof George Ayittey writes: Is democracy necessary for Africa’s development?
(GhanaWeb) - "During the Cold War, the World Bank, the IMF and the West so did not pay much attention to democracy, focusing only on economic liberalization. It was argued that if only the leaders in the Third World could get their economies right, it would unleash powerful forces of change. As people grew wealthier, they would demand greater say in how to spend their money and how their country is run, which would force political change. But this did not happen in Africa and many parts of the Third World. China in particular became wealthy but remained politically oppressive and non-democratic.
Economic liberalization can indeed produce prosperity but all successful economic liberalization under dictatorships eventually hits a political ceiling. This stage is often reached or triggered by a crisis: falling copper prices in Chile in the late 1980s, falling cocoa prices in the case of Ivory Coast in the late 1990s, the Asian financial crisis in the case of Indonesia in 1998, among others. Investors or people who lost money during these crises demanded explanations or accountability. When the leadership was “sanguine” enough to flee or open up the political space and addressed the grievances of the people, the economic prosperity continued without any political tumult. Such was the case in Chile under Augusto Pinochet in the 1980s. By contrast, Suharto, who ruled Indonesia for 32 years with an iron fist, did not open up the political space. Indonesia imploded in 1999."
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Georgia could purge 330,000 voter registrations before 2020
Georgia election officials reportedly have not decided whether they will release the list of names in advance.
The Hill reached out to the Georgia secretary of state's office for comment."
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Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The winds in Bulgaria are changing' – how a onetime Nazi ally is confronting its past – It’s something Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov has long been fond of telling the world. “The Bulgarian people managed to save 48,000 Jews. That is why the Bulgarian people deserve great respect," he said once more in Skopje on Monday.
But there’s also a much darker side to the story. During World War II, Bulgaria occupied parts of what is now Macedonia, Greece and Serbia. Under direction from the Nazis, Bulgarian occupying forces – including the Commissariat for Jewish Affairs (KEV), headed by noted anti-Semite Alexander Belev – helped send more than 11,000 Jews in those areas to their deaths.
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Black Lives Matter Vs All Lives Matter: The Problem with Color Blind Racism | Phil Mazzocco | TEDxMansfield
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.