
Thursday, January 2, 2020

Dr. Chidike Okeem -- White Nationalism: The Reason the Right Will Lose on Amnesty

Dr. Chidike Okeem, a black conservative professor, explains the reason why the "lily-white" Republicans will  not win in the long run on immigration.

The problem isn’t that white nationalists don’t like illegal immigration; the problem is that they don’t like where these immigrants are emigrating from—and what the arrival of these immigrants is doing to the ethnic composition of the United States.

(Voice of Chid) -- The fundamental reason why serious conservatives oppose amnesty for illegal immigrants to the United States is because (a) we believe in the rule of law, and (b) we understand the threat it poses to our national security. However, it is becoming increasingly rare to hear this commonsensical viewpoint represented by popular conservatives in the media. Rather, “Amnesty will mean the death of the Republican Party!” seems to be the principal argument articulated by anti-amnesty commentators. This talking point, as I will explain, has more to do with white nationalism than it does conservatism.

While the rule of law and national security are central to serious conservative objections to amnesty, white nationalists, by contrast, primarily oppose illegal immigration because most of these immigrants are black and brown people from “Third World” countries. Since most minorities in the United States currently vote Democratic, many anti-amnesty political observers believe that more black and brown immigrants will increase the Democratic vote. Without question, if America ever has a problem of white, Western European people immigrating illegally to the United States in the future, some of the most vociferous critics of illegal immigration would be hypocritically mum on the subject. The problem isn’t that white nationalists don’t like illegal immigration; the problem is that they don’t like where these immigrants are emigrating from—and what the arrival of these immigrants is doing to the ethnic composition of the United States.

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