
Wednesday, February 20, 2019

The Online Global War on Kamala Harris

- Racially divisive memes, distortions and chaos: The cyber propaganda campaign against 2020 Democrats has already begun.

- A coordinated barrage of social media attacks suggests the involvement of foreign state actors.

(Politico) -- According to the analysis, Harris attracted the most overall Twitter activity among the 2020 candidates it looked at, with more than 2.5 million mentions over the 30-day period. She was also among the most targeted. One widely seen tweet employed racist and sexist stereotypes in an attempt to sensationalize Harris’ relationship with former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown. That tweet — and subsequent retweets and mentions tied to it — made 8.6 million “potential impressions” online, according to, an upper limit calculation of the number of people who might have seen it based on the accounts the cluster follows, who follows accounts within the cluster and who has engaged with the tweet.

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