Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Bradly Mason -- What Is & Isn’t Being Said: 9. Narrow Spirituality, the Black Church, and Systemic Racism

This is a continuation of our last post, “What Is & Isn’t Being Said: 8. Systemic Racism & the Narrow Spirituality of the Church.”

(alsoacarpenter.com) -- From the time African Americans began forming their own churches and denominations in the 18th century—due to abuse, violence, persecution, and egregious violations of the Communion of the Saints—they consistently rejected this narrow spirituality view, and for what should be very obvious reasons. The hypocrisy of the American Church was never lost on African Americans, whether slave or free, nor the spuriousness of their truncated “gospel.”

Read more: https://alsoacarpenter.com/2019/01/17/what-is-isnt-being-said-9-narrow-spirituality-the-black-church-and-systemic-racism/