
Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Jon Watkins ― Exposing The Paula White Heresy

“A time will come when instead of shepherds feeding the sheep, the church will have clowns entertaining the goats.”– C.H. Spurgeon

Jon Watkins

After reading several recent articles, I was prompted to address the Jezebel Paula White. In one of the articles she claimed she led Trump to Christ. I know that is not true for two reasons. One being that Trump obviously has not been born again. The other being, you cannot give away something you do not have to give. Paula White does not even know what salvation is, or what it means to be born again, so she could not lead anyone to Christ! “If you do not get Jesus right, it does not matter what else you do get right!” – Mike Muzzerall.

 Ms. White believes that Jesus died a sinner, went to the burning side of hell for 3 days, and was at the mercy of Satan until God said enough. He then became the first born again person and came out of hell victorious over Satan! That is the Word of Faith in a nutshell. It is not Scripture and is Blasphemy!

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