
Sunday, September 21, 2014

Chidike Okeem - The Second Amendment and the Pro-Life Pretense

The conservative writer contends: for some pro-lifers, gun rights are of more value to them than the sanctity of life.

By celebrating George Zimmerman for his completely unnecessary killing of Trayvon Martin and imprudently using him as a champion of Second Amendment rights, many mainstream conservatives proved that the Second Amendment and gun rights are of more value to them than the sanctity of life. Furthermore, the reflexive way the right has rallied behind Officer Darren Wilson, the killer of 18-year-old Michael Brown, further demonstrates this point.

By enthusiastically supporting George Zimmerman, mainstream conservatives demonstrated that they believe it is perfectly acceptable to initiate an altercation with a perfect stranger walking in the night, then shoot him dead once a fight ensues. There is no amount of casuistry that one can engage in to defend this behavior using a pro-life rubric. One can either be in favor of trigger-happy vigilantes like George Zimmerman or one can be pro-life, but one cannot simultaneously be both.

Read complete article here