
Monday, August 11, 2014

Charles C. W. Cooke - The Right’s Wrong Reaction to Missouri Shooting

Angry Ferguson residents confront police on August 9, the day of the shooting

There is no good news from Ferguson, Mo. Eighteen-year-old Michael Brown is dead — shot “more than a couple of times” by a police officer who may or may not have been pushed into his patrol car and may or may not have been involved in a struggle over a pistol. Incensed residents have taken to rioting, to sacking private businesses that had nothing whatsoever to do with the incident, and, in some cases, to burning them to the ground. Like clockwork, the professional grievance industry has announced its intention to descend vaingloriously upon the scene. And, in some quarters of the media, pundits have begun to pretend that America’s cops are routinely gunning down unarmed young black men for their own pleasure.

Read complete article here.