
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

From a small slice of Maryland, Peroutka seeks a base to advance his mission of creating a militant theocracy

The Baltimore City Paper exposes the extremist views of Michael Peroutka.

Michael Peroutka

Anne Arundel County’s Fifth Councilmanic District is the whitest, most-educated, and richest of the county’s seven districts, and its voters lean heavily in favor of Republicans. If that pattern holds true in November’s general election for the council seat, the district’s 75,000 residents—87 percent white, 97 percent with a high-school diploma and about half with a college degree or higher, and with a median household income of $111,000, higher than any Maryland county—will be turning for constituent services and leadership on local issues to the GOP candidate, Michael Peroutka.

Peroutka, a highly successful debt-collection attorney whose brother and law partner Stephen Peroutka is a board member of the Babe Ruth Museum, also is white, smart, and rich, but it’s doubtful that many of his potential constituents have used their advantages in the way he long has: to advance a militant theocratic agenda.

- See more at:,0,232454.story#sthash.FEyWA6Mu.dpuf