
Monday, July 21, 2014

Salter: Black voters in GOP Mississippi primary not a step backward

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(Photo: Megan Bean, Mississippi State photo)

From The Clarion-Ledger:

If some black Mississippi voters chose in 2014 to make legal second primary votes in the Republican primary to influence the outcome of that runoff, it was their right under current Mississippi election law unless they voted in the Democratic first primary. What should have been the destination of the political journey begun in Mississippi before and during Freedom Summer a half-century ago was a state in which voters are voters and that all voters enjoy the free exercise of the franchise to vote as they please.

 Mississippi law doesn’t require partisan voter registration and the significant limit is that voters can’t “crossover” between casting a first primary vote with one party and then a second primary vote in the primary of another party. Beyond that prohibition, voters have the right to choose.

Setting race relations back 50 years?  Please.

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