
Saturday, July 26, 2014

Rand Paul Stands Out in Courting Black Voters

(via The New York Times)

Senator Rand Paul, Republican of Kentucky, drew a small crowd Friday at the National Urban League Conference in Cincinnati. CreditTy William Wright for The New York Times

CINCINNATI — After Mitt Romney received just 6 percent of the black vote in 2012, the Republican Party said that it could no longer afford to ignore African-Americans. “We are never going to win over voters who are not asked for their support,” its leaders wrote in a candid election post-mortem.

Nearly two years later, the party is still struggling to connect. There is one black Republican in Congress, Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina. Republicans in state legislatures nationwide continue to back bills to require people to have identification to cast a ballot, which black leaders have said amounts to legalized voter suppression.

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