
Monday, July 21, 2014

Crystal Wright - When is it ever OK to call the President the n-word?

(CNN) -- Martin Luther King Jr. fought and died so blacks would no longer be viewed as inferior but rather enjoy the same inherent rights given to whites in America. Yet in 2014, 50 years since the passage of the Civil Rights Act, the West View News thinks it's appropriate to publish a story about our first black president, Barack Obama, with the headline, "The Nigger in the White House."

 Oh, the times we are living in. All I could do was feel sick to my stomach when I read the headline that the monthly newspaper serving Manhattan's Lower West Side published. And it brought up the pain my family went through nearly four decades ago. Not only is the word reprehensible but also why would an editor of a newspaper use the n-word in a headline about America's first black president?

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