
Thursday, July 17, 2014

An Open Letter to Attorney General Eric Holder: It’s Not About Race

Ron Christie, a former aide to Vice President Cheney, now writer for the Daily Beast, pens an open letter to AG Holder: Enough with the race card/race baiting.
His take:
Dear General Holder,

May 23, 1998, was one of the happiest days of my life. After four years of hard work, I joined 485 of my fellow law school students as we were set to receive our Juris Doctor degrees. You may not remember, but you were our commencement keynote speaker that day at the George Washington University National Center.

You rolled through the usual platitudes: “To those whom much is given, much is expected,” etc. But what struck me most were your personal stories. You told us about how, when you were a young prosecutor, you were running to a movie only to be stopped by police in Georgetown because of your skin color. You told us that you have carried around a clipping in your wallet from 1971—words spoken by Reverend Samuel Proctor that resonate with me to this very day.

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