
Friday, June 20, 2014

David Hamilton - The Conservative Idea of Architecture: Conservation and Restoration

Progressives assume that I am opposed to change. I am not: I suggest change should grow out of what has developed through time not spring out of the blue, as it were, like incongruous eruptions ruining the ambience of whole areas. “You can not turn the clock back”, they moralise. What have clocks got to do with it? That harks back a couple of centuries to when God was seen as the watchmaker who had wound a clockwork universe up and left it to run. Progressives still see the world as a machine.

Le Corbusier thought of building houses as building machines for people to live in. His Villa Savoye is exemplary of his goal to create a house which would be a "machine a habiter," a machine for living (in). Houses that have grown out of tradition have a quality called “homeliness that is in softer interior angles and allows people to enjoy living in them by gathering in some rooms but having rooms to attend to personal business separate. Villa Savoye illustrates Le Couturier’s "five points" of new architecture and is a foundation of modern architecture, and the International style that came to dominate.

Read complete article here.