
Monday, June 2, 2014

A Young Black Republican takes on Rep. Maxine Waters

Since non-establishment and establishment Conservative PACs don't acknowledge inner city Republican candidates, it is left to bloggers and the grassroots to do so. One such candidate is John Wood, a Republican, from Los Angeles who is tasked with doing the near impossible: unseating Rep. Maxine Waters.

Please donate to his campaign today:

  1.      Unfortunately there's no link to donate on the site. Anyway, please vote

Credit: John R. Wood for Congress campaign site

He writes this on his facebook status:

"With the primary election coming up tomorrow I'm conscious of how fortunate I've been with the support and well wishes I've gotten so far, from both friends and family, and total strangers alike.

I've come to learn during the course of it that politics is about more than contentious policy debates and party bickering. It's about relationships. It's about friendships. And it's about... building a sense of family and community among your friends and neighbors, letting them know that if they take the time to get to know each other they can discover a new level of empathy for one another, and new ways to help make each others lives better.

That's the art of politics really; building friendships between people and working from there. It's not just about being smart because nobody is smart enough to solve all the problems of our government and our society. It's not about being charismatic, because no one is dynamic enough to persuade everyone to think how he thinks or to do as she does. But if we love people enough to communicate with them patiently and earnestly, we can harness the whole power of our collective gifts and potential in time. If we do that, there is no problem that is too great for the people of Los Angeles, and the United States of America, to overcome..."

Voting day is tomorrow. God bless