
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Jenean Hampton for Kentucky State Representative

Conservative Candidate for Kentucky State Representative, District 20 (Bowling Green)

Born (1958) and raised in Detroit, Michigan, Jenean attended Cass Technical High School where she began a lifelong tie to computers. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering at Wayne State University while working full time at General Motors. Seven years service in the U.S. Air Force as a computer systems officer included deployment to Saudi Arabia during Operation Desert Storm, with the Airborne Warning and Control Systems Wing (AWACS).

 After the military, Jenean's 19 years in the corrugated packaging industry included positions as production supervisor, quality manager, plant manager, and sales representative. She earned an MBA from the William E. Simon School of Business (University of Rochester) in New York while working in sales. Jenean and husband Doyle, a retired U.S. Air Force flight surgeon, moved to Bowling Green in 2003. Although accustomed to frequent military transfers, they loved Bowling Green on sight and are determined to stay put.

 They both have an active interest in seeing the city and state flourish. Jenean is especially mindful of lessons from Detroit's deterioration. Concerned that Americans were too willing to give up liberties for false security, Jenean started in 2011 to spread a message of American exceptionalism. She became active in the Tea Party movement because it stands guard over constitutional principles that provide security, liberty and opportunity for all Americans.

 She was named Chairman of the Bowling Green Southern Kentucky Tea Party in 2012. Jenean has long pondered why Texas attracts so many businesses and people. She desires that prosperity for Kentucky, and flies the Texas flag as a symbolic reminder. The flag is also a tribute to her mom Marie, a Texas native now living with Jenean and Doyle. They attend Eleventh Street Missionary Baptist Church in Bowling Green.