
Monday, June 23, 2014

Black Conservative Seeks To Topple Rep. Mel Watt

Vince Coakley is officially a candidate for Congress, running to represent North Carolina’s 12th District.

(Photo: Vince Coakley for Congress)

 Vince Coakley is a former broadcast television journalist, anchor, and radio host in Charlotte, North Carolina, and candidate for North Carolina’s Twelfth Congressional District. Vince made the decision to run for Congress after a great deal of prayer, reflection, and counsel with his family. Through this deep and personal process, Vince focused on the dysfunction in Washington and Congress and how it is adversely affecting the families of the Twelfth District. After much deliberation, Vince concluded Democrats and Republicans are both to blame for the record debt, dearth of quality jobs, and oppressive regulations that are impeding our economic recovery and opportunities for families and small businesses of the Twelfth District. 

For these reasons, Vince Coakley decided to run for Congress on a platform highlighting personal freedom and liberty above political parties and labels. In order to create more jobs and strengthen our economy, Vince believes we must prioritize freedom, liberty, and opportunity ahead of Democrat and Republican politics. These are the eternal principles that guided our Founding Fathers in creating our Constitution which created the greatest nation on Earth, and that will resurrect the United States as the most free and prosperous nation full of opportunity for all. Vince Coakley was born in Cincinnati, OH, the youngest of three children. His father worked as a federal civil service employee, and his mother was a dedicated full-time homemaker.