
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Peter Yakobe - The Curious Case Of Corruption In Africa

Picture Courtesy of Students For Liberty
Peter Yakobe, a leader of Students For Liberty Malawi pens this must-read on the corruption in many African countries.

The Malawian libertarian writes:

Corruption has been retarding development in Africa and has disturbed the major operations in all sectors of society in Africa. These include the education sector, the agricultural sector, the health and business sectors just to mention a few. In all of these sectors, the major operations have been retarding because people in these sectors have been involved in rampant corruption at the expense of the poor people. Every individual in one form or another has been affected by corruption. Many people who were supposed to face punishment for breaking the law have been going freely through corruption.

Many accidents have been happening on African roads and highways because the policemen were involved in corruption and they allowed careless drivers to drive for free after accepting a bribe. People have been dying of treatable illnesses in various African hospitals because one man was involved in corrupt practices and he swindled the money instead of buying the medicine for the benefit of the whole nation or community.

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