
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Jennifer Oliver O'Connell - Boko Haram: #Hashtags and tiptoe diplomacy will not save the girls

LOS ANGELES, May 12, 2014—Boko Haram’s ugly campaign against civilization in general, and women in particular is quite chilling and scary. Chilling in its effects over Nigerian life and education; frightening because of Western society’s lack of understanding of Boko Haram and its aims. It’s as though everyone has been taken by surprise at the brutality of this terrorist organization, when they have been clearly telegraphing their moves for years.

This is reminiscent of the manner in which the U.S. government handled Boston Marathon bombing suspects Tamerlin and Dhokar Tsarnaev—but Boko Haram is an organized entity rather than two actors, making their force more deadly, and more virulent.