
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Dr. Elaina George - Disenfranchised and Duped by Obamacare

It is no longer about the content of one’s character. It is all about winning at all costs. How else can the blind and dogged devotion of Progressives to Obamacare be explained. The architects have admitted that the law is inherently unfair. It creates a two tiered system that benefits the wealthy and privileged friends and relegates the poor, the middle class and the disenfranchised to an inferior healthcare system devoid of quality doctors in which the ‘unlucky’ ones who can’t afford it will be locked out of medical centers of excellence like Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and MD Anderson, stuck paying higher costs for medication, and paying more as if it is a privilege.

 The cheerleaders of this ghoulish system think it is okay for people to die from a lack of access due to high costs or denial of medical services deemed to be either medically unnecessary, experimental or simply too expensive. The real human costs are distilled down to statistical talking points because it is more important to be on the winning team no matter the consequences. For those who believe in this system, it brings a whole new meaning to taking one for the team. It is immoral and unfair for those who created this system along with their friends to opt out while falsely crying racism to silence anyone who dares to question their hypocrisy.

It is past time to demand that we really live by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s call for people to be judged by the content of their character instead of being silenced by hypocritical race hustlers who want to control our destiny. The race card which has been overdrawn for too long must be declined, and those who want to create and perpetuate victims in order to remain relevant need to be exposed and rejected.
