
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Meet John Campbell - The GOP's Cory Booker

While Cory Booker is flirting with an Oregon stripper, John Campbell, a 24 year old small business owner is looking to keep Trenton accountable & NJ affordable.

John Campbell is a 24 year old small business owner, property owner, and recent Babson College grad where he served as President of the student body for three consecutive years.  Born and raised in working class Plainfield, NJ, things certainly did not come easy for John growing up.  A local advocate since the age of 16, John has always fought for the preservation of the core values that helped define our communities and our nation.

John’s work has included small business incubation, consulting as well campaign advisory for a host of local, state and federal campaigns in both New Jersey and Massachusetts. John has also worked for United States Senator Scott P. Brown in Boston where he witnessed firsthand the importance of strong constituent service.

Becoming a small business owner at the age of 19, John has given back to our youth, mentoring countless children through his church and community and fighting to give them a better life. Believing in the phrase “service above self,” John is one of the youngest members of Rotary International, a service organization comprised of leaders/small business owners who work tirelessly to serve the community.

John believes that he would bring a very unique perspective to the legislative, giving the youth demographic a much needed voice during a time where college graduates fail to find unemployment, student loans are doubling, and foreclosures are on the rise. As a small business owner, property owner and recent college grad, John knows what it takes to get New Jersey back to work, foster job creation and make sure that our youth are prepared to enter today’s interchanging global society.