
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Charles Badger - Race & The March on Washington

Charles Badger, a columnist for The Washington Times and a Republican political strategist argues that on "Dream" 50th, race is less black & white, more scale of grey.

TRENTON, August 29, 2013 — Fifty years after the March on Washington, the nation is short of King’s dream and even shorter on ideas why. “Not there yet” is how both Presidents Obama and Bush, John Lewis, and Reince Priebus all described our distance from King’s dream this week.
But there is no “there” there until we define our terms.

Measuring progress toward King’s dream requires moving beyond categorizing people and events as either racist or not. A more sophisticated analysis appreciates gradations of racial harm. Using the Model Penal Code as a template, produces a “Scale of Racial Wrongdoing” which looks like so:

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