
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Crystal Wright - E.W. Jackson All Wrong for Virginia GOP

Crystal Wright, a columnist for TownHall and a native Virginian isn't too pleased with the recent election of Bishop E.W. Jackson, a minister who on May 18, 2013, was nominated as the Republican Party candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia in the 2013 election at the state party convention.

Crystal Wright is the principal owner of the Baker Wright Group, LLC and blogs at Conservative Black Chick. You can follow her on Twitter@GOPBlackChick
Telling black liberals they are slaves on a plantation or any derivative there of doesn’t make blacks want to hear the conservative message of economic empowerment through education (school choice), less taxation and less government. I’ll say it again, conservatives need to end the slave talk. Talk about the Democrat Party’s history of fighting for slavery, segregation and secession and how even today Democrat policies keep blacks in segregated, failing public schools and falling down America’s economic ladder.

Jackson’s excuse for his offensive comments was he made them as pastor of Exodus Faith Ministries, the church he founded but now as a candidate he vowed only to about jobs and the economy. But Jackson is still the same person.

As a native Virginian, born and raised in Richmond, I know something’s wrong when the Richmond Times-Dispatch, one of the most conservative paper’s in the country, is daily deriding Jackson as a right wing nut. “Note to aspiring Republican politicians: When Ken Cuccinelli says you have gone too far, you might want to take a few steps backward,” wrote the Richmond Times-Dispatch May 24, 2013 editorial page.

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