Saturday, November 28, 2015

Jennifer O O'Connell ― The take down of Dr. Ben Carson goes nuclear

The anti-Carson campaign continues
(Communities Digital News)
Yesterday’s Time magazine piece by NBA star, author, and activist Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was another layer on the Ben Carson take-down cake.
Abdul-Jabbar warned that “Ben Carson Is Terrible for Black Americans.”
This headline alone points out the irony of this piece. Save for giving them the warm fuzzies and some form of ethnic pride in a “first black President” (truth: first bi-racial), Obama’s impact on black Americans or Americans of any color has been abysmal. The man who promised seas parting, healing, and a post-racial America has failed miserably over the past seven years to do any of that.
From the unemployment rate, to the current anti-police violence, to the activist Department of Justice, to his blatant ignoring of the black-on-black violence in Chicago (now dubbed as “Chi-raq”), President Obama continues to show himself a papiere mâché leader not just for Black Americans, but all Americans.
The Washington Post’s Philip Bump, and Deroy Murdock of National Review went into great detail in the past year on the facts behind these issues, so I will not reiterate them here. They are easily located in a Google search. So is Abdul-Jabbar using the actual record of President Barack Obama to compare a hypothetical Carson presidency against? If so, it seems like Dr. Ben Carson, or anyone in the Republican field would be a leg up for Blacks.
CNN’s piece “A Tale of two Carsons” by Scott Glover and Maeve Reston was probably the first layer on the Dr. Carson take down cake. The writers questioned Carson’s tale of spiritual redemption from a violent youth and managed to get an entire piece and lots of air time from it—I kid you not.

Read the full article HERE.