Friday, August 21, 2015

Ben Domenech — Donald Trump forces the Republican Party to decide: does it stand for freedom, or white identity politics?‏

Via The Federalist:

"For decades, Republicans have held to the idea that they are unified by a fusionist ideological coalition with a shared belief in limited government, while the Democratic Party was animated by identity politics for the various member groups of its coalition. This belief has been bolstered in the era of President Obama, which has seen the Democratic Party stress identity politics narratives about the war on this or that group of Americans, even as they adopted a more corporatist attitude toward Wall Street and big business (leading inevitably to their own populist problem in Sen. Bernie Sanders). What Trump represents is the potential for a significant shift in the Republican Party toward white identity politics for the American right, and toward a coalition more in keeping with the European right than with the American. 

What Trump represents is the potential for a significant shift in the Republican Party toward white identity politics for the American right."

Read the full article HERE.