Saturday, February 7, 2015

Crystal Wright — DC black liberals will vote color over substance in every Mayor's race w/out fail.

Just when I thought Democrat elected lawmakers in Washington, DC, the District of Corruption, couldn’t do anything stupider, they surprise me. Celebrating black history month, DC Mayor Muriel Bowser announced February 4, 2015 that she appointed Rahman Branch to be the city’s first Director of the Mayor’s Office on African American Affairs. It’s a full-time paid job, probably in the six figures, to . . .(wait for it) address the needs of the shrinking black community in DC.
Never mind, DC is no longer “Chocolate City” where blacks accounted for 70.3% of the population in 1980 and today only make up a little less than 50%. Why do district taxpayers need to pay another black person to address the needs of black residents in DC?
Isn’t that why Bowser was elected, because she was black? It wasn’t because she was the most qualified candidate.