
Monday, April 16, 2018

Powerful [Conservative] think tank names first black female president

One of the most influential conservative think tanks has chosen its next president — and she could help diversify American conservatism.

(The Washington Post) -- Kay Coles James will become the first African American woman to lead the Heritage Foundation, an organization known for influencing powerful conservatives. James, who previously served in the administrations of Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, will succeed Jim DeMint, the former South Carolina senator that the Heritage board ousted earlier this year.
“I'm honored that the Heritage board of trustees has asked me to serve as the organization's next president,” she tweeted following the announcement. “What we believe, what we develop, what we fight for — these are the policies that help people.”

“I look forward to expanding the conservative movement in a positive, inclusive way as we build an America where freedom, opportunity, prosperity and civil society flourish,” James added.

Some conservatives hope that a black woman taking over arguably one of the most conservative forces in Washington — a week after black women dealt a President Trump-endorsed candidate a decisive blow in the Alabama Senate election — will change black women's relationship with the GOP.

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NOTE: The Washington Post headline Powerful pro-Trump think tank names first black female president is a complete mischaracterization of The Heritage Foundation's mission. Heritage is NOT Trump's think-tank. A perfect example of the divide between the two - tariffs. Kay Coles James recently came out AGAINST Donald Trump on tariffs -- her suggestion to Donald Trump: "Scrap the tariffs and return his focus to policies that will grow and invigorate the economy to the benefit of all Americans". Does this sound like a think-tank parroting the President's policies? No. It does not. The Washington Post should be ashamed of itself for attacking this black woman with such a misleading headline. They were trying to forever tar her with this bumbling and insane administration.

Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame.