Saturday, April 1, 2017

Will Pflaum ― In short, there is no evolutionary reason to expect genetic differences between races and classes

 Will Pflaum, an anthropology professor at Brooklyn's CUNY responding to The Bell Curve, by Richard J. Herrnstein and Charles Murray.

"Until about 150 years ago the vast majority of all people on all continents were illiterate subsistence agriculturists. Before 10,000 years ago, we were all hunters and gatherers. The modern era has not existed long enough to cause genetic damage...Furthermore, evidence from mitochondria DNA suggests that the line leading to present-day Asian populations split from the line leading to Africans and Europeans before Africans and Europeans split from each other. So if Europeans and Asians are more intelligent than Africans, increased intelligence would have had to evolve independently on two occasions, which is highly unlikely and very hard to explain...In short, there is no evolutionary reason to expect genetic differences between races and classes...Don't give me statistics to prove something is true (and don't give a book cataloguing these statistics a positive review) until you convince me that the point you are trying to prove is within the realm of scientific possibility."

(Source: The Bell Curve & Racism)