Monday, August 31, 2015

Robert George — Moguls With Attitude - how Donald Trump echoes NWA

Robert A George, an editorial writer for the New York Post (and a conservative blogger) sees a connection between "a tough-talking white billionaire from Queens and thuggish black rappers from Los Angeles".

(The New York Post)

The conventional wisdom is that Donald Trump has no real chance of becoming the Republican nominee. Maybe so. But Trump fits perfectly in what’s turning out to be a harsh, tough-talking, non-PC cultural moment.

Consider: Few would have predicted that a biopic of a vulgar, offensive, two-decade-old rap group would find much audience in 2015 — or any year, for that matter. Instead, moviegoers this weekend flocked to see “Straight Outta Compton,” the celluloid origins of NWA (N- - - az With Attitude), to the tune of $56.1 million — the biggest August opening ever for an R-rated film.

But still, a tough-talking white billionaire from Queens and thuggish black rappers from Los Angeles? What could they have in common?

More than you might expect.

Read the full article HERE.