Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Phumlani M. UMajozi ― Markets should drive job creation in South Africa

The South African libertarian blogger writes about South Africa's rising unemployment.


(Policy Debates)

"WHEN I visit home in Kwa-Zulu Natal, I’m always saddened by seeing young unemployed people wandering around the township streets. Amongst these young people, there are many I grew up with. Some ask me for money, and I do help if I can. Most of them do search for jobs but to no avail. 

They end up giving up on the search; not only because they become disenchanted, but also because it becomes more and more expensive to look for employment. They have to pay for the travel costs, pay for access to the internet and pay for documenting their resumes. 
The process to look for employment can be tedious and expensive, especially when jobs are hard to find. The disillusionment and hopelessness experienced by my fellow mates in my neighbourhood, can be felt by millions of young people around South Africa."

Read more: https://policydebates.wordpress.com/2015/05/15/markets-should-drive-job-creation-in-south-africa/